David Cotgreave

Written Articles
I’d only just arrived on a client visit this week and already this was my kind of conversation. “But Scoro has a real-time dashboard for monitoring KPIs!” said a voice from inside the meeting room. My ears pricked up. “Yeah but Basecamp has great performance reporting too and the collaborative tools are way better!” replied […]
“When did you finish training to be a Project Manager?” asked the new member of a project team I work with from time to time. We’d been comparing our backstories, him fresh from college, ink just dry on his certificates and excitedly starting his first placement, hence the question. With a few more years under […]
I was in a client’s office kitchen with a project manager I was working with who with was making us both a cup of tea. He was standing in front of the drawer that contained all the cutlery when a colleague entered in search of a fork. “Excuse me, John, can I just get in […]
Previously published on cio.com Everything that your business does should be aligned with your business strategy. Here’s why.. My friend’s business is delivering financial services and he ensures that all his staff are suitably trained to provide the best advice, another friend’s business is carrying bus passengers, his drivers know the local roads, what time […]
Previously published on CIO.com A great BA is worth their weight in gold, here’s why…… The IT business analyst role has traditionally been one that facilitates communication between IT and business stakeholders. Subsequently, business analysts have always had great skills in this area, adept at both verbal and written communication. Which is why I am […]
With the success of my first eBook, I am delighted to publish Volume II. The book covers a wealth of topics from Stonseed’s Project Management as a Service and our IT services, to an array Project and Programme Management issues. Volume II of Straight Talk on Project Management is now available for download as an […]
In recent weeks, I’ve observed that there seem to be three ways of communicating ‘news’ in IT Projects. i) To communicate the news, update or information half as big as it is in reality. ii) To communicate the news, update or information twice as big as it is in reality. iii) To communicate the news, […]
IT Project prioritisation is crucial for your organisation. Selecting the wrong projects, which don’t deliver strategic value or the required ROI can impact the bottom line and mean that your business reduces its chance of hitting targets and achieving goals. You should take a day or two (or longer if your portfolio and budgets demand […]
Office politics! Working in IT Project Management, given the profession’s prominent role in the facilitation of business strategy and driving business change, you’d think we’d be above it! Project managers and leaders are among the most intelligent individuals you could hope to work with and yet many IT Projects are still scuppered by workplace politics. […]
“You’re so passionate about Project Management, you should write a blog about it,” one of my colleagues said a couple of years back. That’s how it started. I wrote one blog and then, having found it quite enjoyable, I wrote a second and then a third. I got some nice feedback, got shared, had a […]