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Written Articles

environmentally aware projects

The Environmentally Aware Project Manager

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Much of a project manager’s time is taken up with juggling limited resources so it’s a natural progression to think about project managers being environmentally aware and helping to use the Earth’s limited natural resources to best effect. Project Management is often concerned with managing limited resources – there never seems to be enough time […]

hiring an introverted project manager

The benefits of hiring an introverted project manager

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As the saying goes “You should never judge a book by its cover” and when it comes to project management this is certainly true. It is important that the effectiveness of a professional is not judged because they have a more introverted personality where it is believed an extrovert would be able to do a […]

successful teamwork

The Five Elements of Successful Teamwork

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Teamwork is the foundation of collaboration and innovation in any workplace. When employees work as a single cohesive unit, it becomes easy for corporate managers to delegate roles, monitor projects’ progress, nurture leaders, solve workplace conflicts, and to guarantee job satisfaction for all employees. A solid team will, without a doubt, bring unbelievable results and […]

female project manager at desk

Pet peeves in project management and how to overcome them

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Any project manager will be more than happy to tell you that all too often, managing a project can be an incredibly challenging and frustrating experience. There are the unexpected setbacks that can occur and of course the team members who are less cooperative than they might be. Then there are just the annoying pet […]

project health check

The importance of a thorough project health check

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When it comes to project management, Agile methods have revolutionised how we work. However, even the most flexible of approaches can benefit from a regular project health check. A fixed period review can serve a purpose but they can be too rigid which means that critical developments can be missed between milestones. This is why […]

delegate studying for APM PMQ

Self-Study APM PMQ Tips

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Whilst self-study is a necessary step for anyone studying for the APM PMQ, or indeed most other project management certifications, it can be difficult to know where to start. We have put together some helpful tips to help you get the most out of your self-study. Organisational Roles in Project Management Consider the roles and […]

managing huge change on a project

How to guide a project involving huge change

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In general, an enterprise is built around the expected, and whilst this doesn’t ignore the possibility of change it is more likely that this will be viewed as something that is constant and incremental in nature. Unfortunately, change isn’t always a constant and even the very notion of change is something that is continually changing. […]

project management skills

Project Management: How To Improve Your Leadership Skills

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Every organization understands the importance of having a good project manager to supervise the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. If an organization achieves its aims through the process of project management, it can see marked changes in employee productivity. However, at the end of the day, a project manager has to be a good […]

project team discussing project risks

What Contributes to Risk in Project Management

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When it comes to challenges, one of the biggest that we face is preparing for emerging risks. These are those risks that were previously unknown, or any familiar risk that manifests in a new way. All too often, our response to existing risks is not sufficient to deal with the risk. Whilst preparing for something […]

sitting APM PMQ exam

APM PMQ Exam Questions & Tips

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As you get ready to sit for any exam, it can be hard to know exactly what you will face. For many, it may be a long time since they have taken a more formal style of exam, and the revision and question-answering skills learned during college or university may be a distant memory. Here, […]