
Women sitting at her desk

A Day In The Life Of An IT Project Business Analyst

A Stoneseed BA’s day will vary depending on the client’s requirements and project type. Whether it’s an Agile, Waterfall or Hybrid environment and whether its product, Infrastructure, software or digital transformation project for example. The life of a Stoneseed Ba is very varied, on this particular day, it is a for a client who is delivering an Agile software upgrade and development project.

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A bunch of flowers

Eleven IT project lessons to be learned at … Tatton Garden Show

When a colleague heard that I was heading to the RHS Tatton Garden Show in July, she said that even I couldn’t find project management teachings in the topsoil. Like most gardeners, I do love a challenge, so the gloves are, well, ON! Years of experience, and countless IT Projects under my belt, and a passion for plants and flowers! How hard can this be?

Sow, here we grow!

Eleven IT project lessons to be learned at … Tatton Garden Show Read More »

polish can

New Broom, Sweeps Lean! Four ROI, Efficiency and Productivity Hacks for The New IT Project Decision Maker

It IS tempting to make a grand, headline grabbing move to justify your organisation’s faith in you, investing in a new portfolio software application or churning your talent, for instance. When new to a role (in many business environments, not just IT Project Management), new managers tend to lean into making sweeping changes, it’s human nature. Often though, hindsight shows that making small tweaks could have been more productive.

Rather than shake things up, it can be quicker, and less stressful to shape things up! If you’re new to a role, instead of slashing or splashing budget and drastically altering project team structure, how about looking at the small step changes you can make that can quickly unlock ROI. Less broom, more polish!

New Broom, Sweeps Lean! Four ROI, Efficiency and Productivity Hacks for The New IT Project Decision Maker Read More »

Women cleaning a desk

IT Project Management Capability Assessment and other project spring cleaning tips

I love this out of office reply from Collette, an IT Project leader who takes herself out of the project portfolio the first Friday and Monday of every March just to have a proper delve into how they do things, assess how aligned their resources and ambitions are, and imagine how they could operate better. A Spring Clean – what a great idea.


We measure how successful our projects are all year round, in terms of Return On Investment (ROI), budgets, delivery times met, etc but an IT Project Management Capability Assessment checks in on how effective the delivery frameworks and processes that underpin project success are.

IT Project Management Capability Assessment and other project spring cleaning tips Read More »