PMO Flashmob

There’s a new type of networking in town for people who work within PMOs – the PMO Flashmob.

PMO flashmob is a monthly social meetup with the serious subject of PMOs at its heart. Each month in a Central London location the mob gets together for a drink and a nibble and talk about what’s happening in their world of PMO. There’s no fixed agenda or presentations to listen to – this is just a mob of PMO professionals that want to talk to others that are on their wavelength.

Lindsay Scott at Arras People is one of the founders of the flashmob idea, “Me and a pal had been sitting on the Southbank one evening in London, just chatting about our work in and around PMOs. We had both been part of more formal networking events for PMO but thought why not make it more sociable?”

The first flashmob took place in May 2013 and has just taken off from there.

Lindsay said, ” I think people like it because its like having your own little personal coaching circle – the mob are just like you, they want to chat and share experiences that can perhaps help them be better in their work in the future.”

There’s no attendance criteria- anyone can attend but be prepared to share your own words of wisdom that can help the collective mob of PMO flashmobbers.

For details on the next get-together see the pmo flashmob website

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