Project Managers Are Up For The Challenge

Project managers and business planners from across the country are set to meet at Project Challenge Spring Show which takes place 12 – 13 March 2014 at London, Olympia

The event is a ‘must attend’ for anyone interested in the latest technology and services to support effective project management. Leading suppliers will showcase the best products, services, software, training and consulting. Additionally, 40 free seminar presentations will run throughout both days of the show, delivered from open zones within the exhibition hall.

Selected sessions include:

Mastering the PMO, a ticket to success, Gerry McDonnell – Senior Vice President of Technology, Ticketmaster, talks PMO success:

In just over two years Ticketmaster have built their PMO from scratch to be a valuable part of their international operation. Ticketmaster have implemented project and PMO processes, policies and tools to provide value to the business and Executive board. In this talk, Gerry McDonnell discusses the importance of positioning the PMO as an independent function and takes us through their journey as they rolled out project controls, central reporting, strategic planning and portfolio management. With Ticketmaster PMO also having a training and process improvement remit, this promises to be an insightful look into establishing PMO in a large organisation.


Of Project Managers & Business Cases – Whose Project Is It Anyway?, Seamus O’Sullivan, Programme Management Consultant, Acando UK talks governance and success:

What constitutes a more significant project failure? When it is late, when it is over budget or when it should never have been a project at all. Most people would have little hesitation in choosing the latter option. However, what is the role of the Project Manager in guarding against this possibility? Most methodologies hold that this responsibility sits with a Sponsor, a Project Executive or a governance board of some sort. In this talk Seamus argues why the Project Manager needs to assume a large measure of this responsibility, and why they are ideally placed to do so.


The year of your project management career, Lindsay Scott – Director, Arras People talks about project manager’s careers:

If only project management practitioners paid as much attention to their careers as they did the technical and managerial aspects of their day to day roles – imagine the difference it could make. With only 41% of UK PM practitioners having a career development plan and 51% of practitioners not having any clue to how good they actually are, it’s time to re-focus on project management careers.

This session will cover recent findings from the Arras People Benchmark Report which are all focused on helping you to re-think your career. Full of insights and practical advice: 2014 should be the year of your career.

Fast track your WBS with Mind Mapping – Lawrence Keltie – Corporate Communications, Matchware

Are you tired of recreating your white board and sticky note sessions into a project plan? Do you wish to save valuable time throughout the project lifecycle? Mind Mapping is a highly effective practice used in the creation of the WBS, and when paired with technology mind mapping will simplify your project lifecycle and improve communication of the project plan. You’ll briefly learn the theory behind Mind Mapping and demonstrate, using a number of different applications, some of the “best practice” techniques to ultimately save your organisation valuable time and money!

“It’s going to be another challenging year for UK PLC with increasing scrutiny on efficiencies, budgets and time lines” predicts event director Richard White. “But I’m confident that the project management profession will step up to the mark with innovations in technology and new ways of working.”

Entry to Project Challenge is free to all attendees. Further information and online registration is available at

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